25 Aug From Great Resignation to Quiet Quitting
Posted at 12:28h
In the last month a new workplace trend has emerged: quiet quitting. What does it mean and who does it involve? We have gathered some articles to have a better insight on this topic.
Catchphrase and its Meaning
As you can read here in the article written by Megan Marples for CNN “The catchphrase quiet quitting is misleading making some people think it means workers doing the bare minimum at their jobs”. In reality, Quiet Quitting “It’s about stopping doing work that people think is beyond what they were hired to do and not getting compensated for,” she said. This means that the phenomenon is highlighting the need of work-life balance and reducing burn outs. In fact, in the article you can read some suggestions about evaluating priorities and sharing specific needs.
Work and Personal Life
Last week LinkedIn News’ editor Yessi Bello Perez also gave attention to the new trend stating that “In a nutshell, “quiet quitting” is about rejecting the notion that work has to take over one’s life and that employees should go above and beyond what their job descriptions entail. According to Metro, this can take many forms – including turning down projects based on interest, refusing to answer work messages outside of working hours or simply feeling less invested in the role.”In fact, in the article that you can find here you will read some comments about how to stay motivated and avoid burning out.
The Transition
Here is an article published by The Guardian which explains the transition from the Great Resignation to the Great Rethink and most recently to Quiet Quitting. The common ground for these three phenomena embraces purpose at work, personal satisfaction, value creation and, most of all, respect for individuals and their lives.
Generations involved
Fortune Magazine also wrote about this trend explaining that Generation Z is the driver of Quiet Quitting. It is meant to ditch the hustle mentality culture for which work has to be your only life. Basically, Gen Z is reinforcing what Millennials had already emphasized: stop burn out at work. Here you can find the full article. Interestingly, Fortune also created a poll on Twitter asking users if they were taking part in the Quiet Quitting trend and over 20,993 votes the 74% said yes. Here you can find the poll.
Are your employees also taking part in this trend? How can your career paths and retention strategies support them?
Gaia Urati